Friday, January 29, 2010

...vom vom vom is friday....

I feel sick. It's almost 2pm. Why am I bothered?

Some kind of sign would be nice. Even to know there will be nothing more is better than not knowing at all.

Vomity vom vom.

Getting out of bed was hard today. But I managed to talk myself into doing a run. Which was great since there was a football team also doing the same run as me so at least I had some eye candy whilst puffing my way around the park. Good start to the day wouldn't you say?

Got the exercise bit over so I'm raring to go. I have done the obligatory waxing of eyebrows and other bits as a precaution. I am going out tonight even if it's to the movies on my own to save myself from my own madness and head.

Work has gone out the window rather like my brain.

Will come back with news of fabulous dates with new men I promise.

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