Oh! I exclaimed, just got a kiss. Let's see who it's from.
As luck would have it, turns out he's not a bad sort. Great, I'll reply in the affirmative and see where it goes. I have a funny feeling I know this guy but just it down to possibly familiarity in his facial features and think nothing more of it.
I receive an email from said suitor and it looks like we have a) a few things in common b) he's not bad to look at and c) he's interested. So far so good.
After a couple of emails we exchange numbers and agree to catch up that Thursday. Cool, date sorted. Feeling suitably ego boosted.
On the wednesday I have a meeting at an ad agency. During this meeting a lot of people attend and there is a somewhat familiar face amongst the crowd. There is a guy in an atrocious orange polo shirt who looks like the guy I am going on a date with the next night. NO! Surely not? Coincidence? Must be.
Slightly freaked out but keeping my cool I continue the meeting like the true professional I am. On the way I check my phone and see a message from my date asking if I was in company x's reception area. Yes! I say I thought there was a face in the crowd that looked like you. Fnar fnar giggles giggles about his gross shirt and confirmation of the next nights date. All cool.
Thursday arrives I get ready and go to meet my date. For some reason I am actually nervous on the way there, so much so I get a headache freaking myself out about it. All good though, the date went amazingly well. We laughed and joked and got on fine. Went to dinner and parted ways around 11:30pm. He sent me a message after telling me he'd had a good day and hoped to see me again.
Great! Finally some success. This shit does work!
We're both reasonably busy over the weekend so I don't expect to hear from him until the following week. Which I didn't. Which confused me a little.
Concerned that I have another meeting in the same building he works in again I decide it's probably best to send a message to inform him I will be in there, not to panic should he see me and hope he's not wearing his orange shirt again as that would be awkward! He replies with this:
"That shirt has been relegated to car and window washing. I'm pretty busy. Might see you around."
Might see you around?? Ok, so he's brushed me. At least now I know. Although I can't fathom how he got to that from "hope to see you again". I'm super confused.
Turns out we have a mutual friend. Who then calls me out of the blue for a catch up. During said catch up she informs me Mr Orange Polo has a reputation of doing this, that he chased her for months and when she finally gave in he acted like the complete douche he is and brushed her quicker than you can say abracadabra. She also informed me that he's the type of bloke who pulls his pants down at parties and performs.......the MANGINA! EWWWWW gross. Looks like I dodged a bullet there. Seriously! What the f*ck!?! Who the feck wants someone like that? This guy is in his mid 30's haven't you grown out of that yet?

She also told me he is punching well above his weight if he thinks he should or could be dating me. Fooking right!
Girlfriends are amazing like that!
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