Monday, June 22, 2009

Blah blah blah oops

This weekend started out with a big run in the pouring rain. Bodily I am feeling quite good about myself, I have lost a couple of kilos and my jeans are now requiring a belt to stay up. The run however left me totally exhausted (not that fit it seems) and then I had a coffee date with a remnant of the RSVP days.

Myself and this guy had been in contact over some weeks about catching up. He has actually cancelled on me twice usually with some lame excuse about being too tired. Can't be arsed more like. I wasn't too concerned as during our phone conversations I felt it becoming a laborious task to actually have a conversation. I put it down to perhaps him being a little shy and so when he texted me, yes texted, on Saturday morning to see if was up for a coffee that day I agreed, despite my hating being SMS'd to ask for a date, he had called whilst I was running to be fair to him.

The rain continued to lash down and the last thing I wanted to do was go out and meet some dude I'd met off the internet for coffee. Anyway we went for coffee, the conversation was again laboured, I yawned approximately 20 times during the 45 minutes of the date and then made the moves to end the date and leave. As I we exited the cafe I realised that someone had stolen my umbrella! The cheek of it! What does one do in such a situation? Is there umbrella stealing etiquette I need to be aware of?
I asked the lady in the cafe about it. She was bemused to say the least. After some consideration I took the umbrella closest in colour and size to my stolen one and retreated. The cafe girl said she was turning a blind eye since neither of us were sure of what the protocol was in this predicament! My date had by this point pretty much marched up the road without me. Clearly he was embarrassed about this situation but it wasn't his umbrella that had been filched and so he was happy to get out of there by the looks of it.

By his exiting behaviour (ie. swiftly) I took this to mean that we had mutually understood that this was the end of the road for us and we'd move on sweetly to whatever came up next. Not so, he sms'd me 10 minutes later to ask me if I wanted to play golf. My immediate thought was must be sent to the wrong person as I had only just told him over coffee that I had never played golf in my life nor had I any intention too since I found the game utterly intolerable. I think this may have been a correct assumption since my reply was "well I have to redo my CV so not today and I don't really play thanks.' I didn't hear back from him, not surprising I mean redoing your CV is about as similar a brush off as 'I'm washing my hair".

Went out that night to a friends birthday party and made a huge mistake thinking I may be attracted to a friend. What a mess! I had been talking to said friend for most of the night. Now, don't get me wrong this guy is hot and gets a lot of female attention. A lot of the females in the room were talking about how we had been chatting for most of the night. To me this was silly as said friend and I get along very well and had a lot to catch up on. A few drinks later and I was asked if I liked any of the boys. My response was my this guy I had been talking to but what I had meant to say was that if I was going to like someone it would be him for these reasons:
1) we get along really well
2) we can chat about shit for ages
3) he's a good looking bloke
4) he's creative and smart

That said, I made a complete twat out of myself as he actually had his eye on my mate who then pashed him, who then felt bad because of what I said and got upset, but as it goes we don't have any sexual attraction to each other so it was a right old balls up resulting in no one getting any! Jeez keep la bouche firmly shut Lushie!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Palmistry and vomit

Saturday started with a baby shower, no this is not something to think about on the dating richter scale. For a start no men are involved and also it's really quite a daunting thought for me let alone a male. 

Fortunately the friends whose baby shower it was has the good grace to be cool and it was a resounding success. A couple of glasses of bubbly later and I was almost ready to think about my night out. I picked up my little friend, we'll call her Bessie, and went back to mine for a few more pre-dancing drinks.

So off we go to Bungalow 8 to meet up with our other girlfriend. Upon arrival we were practically accosted by the doorman who was puffing himself up for some form of chat with us. Not so, Bessie leaps right into 'is there a problem? Let us in!'. Good on yer Bess, I didn't want to get into a fight with him but I did feel it coming on and so soon!

The original plan here was to meet our other girlfriends friends at some birthday party but somehow she couldn't find them in the bar. Had we been had??? Turns out they were late anyway so they arrived not long after us. We didn't even really meet them, Bessie was up for a dance and so Hugo's wasn't far away.

A friend of Bessie's had tagged along by this point. Her jamming partner it would seem. Strange bloke, didn't drink (always suspicious) and also read palms. He read our other friends palm first and seems he was spot on with the details. Quite enticing! I asked him to do mine. Well....this was not a good idea it turns out. He tells me I have a broken heart that I carry around with me and that he can't say anymore in front of my friends. I tell him he can but he refuses. He makes it sound so bad I start to get a little freaked.

By the time we get to Hugo's I am proper freaked out by this bloke. What does he need to tell me? What? What? What??!!??!

We get free cocktails thanks to a contact of Bessie's at the bar. And whilst the girls are faffing with toilet trips and drinks the palm pilot tells me that if I don't get over my broken heart I will never move on from anything and the universe will keep me trapped where I am. I will never be happy and I will have children with someone in two years time but this person will leave me because of this issue of my broken heart that I am not letting go of. 

Hmm food for thought. In fact it kind of ruined my night as I continued to think about it. Things got stranger from there as Bessie and the palm pilot fell out in a massive argument. Our other friend was hilariously pissed and ran off with some bloke or disappeared not sure. Bessie drank one too many cocktails and after dancing with a few randoms had a slump and I had to put her in a cab home (via a trip to the toilets for a big vom vom) nice!
I decided I had to have some sort of fun as things had just gone scrambled eggs right before my eyes. 

So, just before I put my little Bess Bess into a cab I saw this reasonably good looking guy with a bit of a questionable hair cut. I called him over and said to him "you know, you are a really good looking bloke but what the hell is going on with your hair???!' I have the martini's to thank for that little outburst! Anyway turns out it was a bit of an ice breaker. Ended up talking to him all night and was actually relieved that he wasn't like the rest of the hornbags in there who were quite frankly rubbing their penises up against me at every opportunity. Just when I was about to leave in disgust I find a gentleman. He even held my hand as we walked through the club to make sure he didn't lose me! What a sweetie. He's an ex professional soccer player apparently. Just like me to revert to type. Close friends will now by sighing and shaking their heads at this piece of information. I did say EX and he is now in construction. Although at one point I did consider this was a cover for being a drug dealer as there were some odd people hanging around him asking questions.

He was staying at friends place in the next street to mine and so we got a cab home. However, by this time it was almost 4am and I was turning into a pumpkin fast.
I did a runner and told him to stay and hang with his mates and I'd talk to him soon.

I had his number as he was calling me when I was getting my friend a cab earlier in the night and I also did have a bit of a party pash with him, which for me is a huge development since I have almost turned celebate of late and not through lack of trying! The most disturbing thing about him though was that he shares a birthday with my ex boyfriend and the ex was a twat. Maybe this is the universe giving me the chance to place a new meaning to that particular date! Let's hope so... 
Mind you....he hasn't called as yet...perhaps my leaving gave the wrong impression. Oh well, I want to maintain some dignity despite slating this guys hair style!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Working on it...

The rugby wasn't as successful as I had hoped. Mainly because there weren't that many people there, also my girlfriend I went with had arranged to meet some of her guy friends already, so it wasn't really appropriate to be off flirting it up with randoms when these boys were effectively our escorts for the evening.

A little disappointing but there was still hope for the pubs after right? No. We went to the Piano Bar. Not really my scene. I like boys in a pub - they feel comfortable enough to chat without that feeling that they need to impress you whilst in a swanky bar and are a bit more down to earth as far as I can tell.
I didn't stick around for long. It was dead due to a lot of people being away for the long weekend and the only guy to offer to buy me a drink started the drink buying proceedings by throwing my current drink on the floor! Yes, took it OUT of my hand and threw the contents on the floor. Classy. I was speechless until I blurted out he could buy me a glass of french champagne since he'd taken it upon himself to dispose of my drink for me.  He then proceeded to do the come hither finger to me to get me to sit next to him. Two firm NO's soon put a stop to that.

I've taken my profile off RSVP and I have vowed to NEVER use it again. It just didn't really work for me. I guess it does for some but for me it requires too much well...commitment...maybe that's my problem? Hmm....

I'm wondering if I am suited to dating at all? I was watching 'Girls of the playboy mansion' - an intelligent and informative piece of entertainment I am sure you will agree?! Kendra's mum was trying to get back on the dating scene and when asked what she was looking for she replied "I don't know I just want to be married. I don't want to do the dating thing!" Couldn't agree more. What with a lot of my friends either married, engaged or in serious relationship or now having babies I am really starting to feel left behind. I've never felt that before. It's a little worrying and stressful to the point that it's affecting my sleep. Which sounds ridiculous but I am thinking about it a lot. I kinda just want to be married too!

So, moving on. This weekend I have accepted an invitation to a party where I will know only 2 people. The potential for meeting new blood is high and I may even buy a new dress for it. Oh yes, something cute and cosy looking I think! It's absolutely freezing for goodness sakes and frankly I need a human hot water bottle (aka a man) to keep me warm pronto! Working on it. I keep working on it......

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Is literally how I would describe my current dating activity. There is diddly squat going on. Admittedly I have not been as active as I could have been but I did go out randomly to a pub last friday and threw myself into a few blokes who were all dancing together. It clearly didn't work they probably thought I was a mad cougar. Perhaps dancing in the courtyard in the rain with the umbrella up wasn't such a good idea. It felt so good though!

It's bleeding freezing and wet in Sydney and it's really not conducive to going out. Well, not for me anyway. Things like PJ's, ugg boots and couches are screaming come to me and frankly I'm in.

I've also picked up a cold on the last day or two and so I can't imagine a walking snot factory is a good advertisement for "I'm single come and get me!"

It's a long weekend though and thus far I have planned to go to the Wallabies v Barbarians game in the members sections (fingers crossed my connection comes through with the goods). Now, this should be in theory a good place to find men. Rugby = men as far as I can see. A good friend of mine met her man at the rugby and she just had a baby with him. The odds are looking good. Not that I am aiming for a baby this time next year. A steady relationship will do thanks very much!

No doubt there will be more events to attend for a man sweep. There are rumours of a party too on Saturday night and Sunday drinks is a must in one of the many Paddo pubs. Hope this snot manages to go away by then. I'm filling up with the relevant drugs as we speak!