It's bleeding freezing and wet in Sydney and it's really not conducive to going out. Well, not for me anyway. Things like PJ's, ugg boots and couches are screaming come to me and frankly I'm in.
I've also picked up a cold on the last day or two and so I can't imagine a walking snot factory is a good advertisement for "I'm single come and get me!"
It's a long weekend though and thus far I have planned to go to the Wallabies v Barbarians game in the members sections (fingers crossed my connection comes through with the goods). Now, this should be in theory a good place to find men. Rugby = men as far as I can see. A good friend of mine met her man at the rugby and she just had a baby with him. The odds are looking good. Not that I am aiming for a baby this time next year. A steady relationship will do thanks very much!
No doubt there will be more events to attend for a man sweep. There are rumours of a party too on Saturday night and Sunday drinks is a must in one of the many Paddo pubs. Hope this snot manages to go away by then. I'm filling up with the relevant drugs as we speak!
I'm with you babe! It's time for a fun weekend and I'm up for anything!