Saturday, May 30, 2009

Dating at breakneck speed

I'm a little behind in my postings I'm afraid but frankly speed dating made me lose the will to live.

Quite honestly it is probably one of the weirdest and most exhausting experiences of my life. I would NEVER do it again and I really don't recommend it to anyone. I'm not even sure what the point of it is really.

First of all the place it was held in was questionable -  I had never heard of this place and it is not that far from where I live. Also it was basically a pokey little room with a poor excuse for a barman who could not even be bothered to man the bar during the 'break' in the event. I almost cause a riot trying to get more alcohol to get me through the horror of it all.

I knew it wasn't going to be a great experience when I spotted an odd looking half balding, skinny man at the bar. He was clearly part of the dating team and in all seriousness he looked like a peadophile. Whilst it's not adviseable to judge a book by it's cover, given the circumstances it's hard not to categorize people without using the physicalities as a benchmark.
I sat next to the only other 2 chicks there and proceeded to ask them if they had done anything like this before. To my surprise they both had and so given my thoughts on the phenomenon that is speed dating I am left wondering why on earth they decided to go back.
There were 18 guys and girls in the group. It quickly filled out with men who I would never likely talk to in your average bar set up so I wasn't hoping for much except for a wasted evening. Armed with a huge glass of wine I took my seat next to my allocated number and let the proceedings begin.

First up was a chef from South Africa. He was a small, skinny nervous looking bloke who had clearly no confidence when talking to the opposite sex. I felt sorry for him starting with me. He had a list of questions for christsake! Which of course I immediately pointed out with 'is that a list of questions?!?!? Not sure that's a good way to approach this.' Hmm I bet he thought thanks for that you opinionated bitch. 

What followed was an array of males across a vast spectrum. From bankers to musical salesmen, there were plenty of guys from India and Asia - not my cup of tea but to be honest they were all very polite and amusing at times. The dates lasted 4 minutes and the two fat chicks running it were extremely annoying constantly banging a bucket with a spoon. It certainly wasn't an enjoyable experience I have to say. I could have hit her over the head with that damn bucket let me tell you. There was an amusing russian guy who I proceeded to quiz about the women of the eastern block versus the aussie babe. He told me eastern block women are hell bent on finding a good man outside of russia because basically russian men come in 5 classifications. They are alocholics, revolutionaries, billionaires, mafia, victims of war. I asked him what he was, his answer......alcoholic. Hmm attractive. I think he was joking but given he seemed on the surface to be none of the others I'm guessing that's about as good as it gets unless you are a billionaire!

There were no stand outs and at the end they encourage you to say yes to people you normally wouldn't, I felt obliged to tick against 'friend' on some guys that in all honesty I wouldn't bother having more than well a 4 minute conversation with in a bar. Which it looks like I'd already done so it seemed like a waste of time! 

The next day I got all my results. 14 out of the 18 guys there said they would like to date me. I had ended up with 6 new friends. All of which either SMS'd or emailed me that same day. I was totally overwhelmed by the speed at which they replied, although given the name of the event not sure why I was surprised by that really! I have not replied to any of them. One of them even called to give me a serve for not replying! Thank god I didn't he's clearly so desperate he's getting angry about a person he met at speed dating!! Good lord what is the world coming to?!? No one should be that desperate that they think speed dating is the answer. It really is not worth it.

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