A little disappointing but there was still hope for the pubs after right? No. We went to the Piano Bar. Not really my scene. I like boys in a pub - they feel comfortable enough to chat without that feeling that they need to impress you whilst in a swanky bar and are a bit more down to earth as far as I can tell.
I didn't stick around for long. It was dead due to a lot of people being away for the long weekend and the only guy to offer to buy me a drink started the drink buying proceedings by throwing my current drink on the floor! Yes, took it OUT of my hand and threw the contents on the floor. Classy. I was speechless until I blurted out he could buy me a glass of french champagne since he'd taken it upon himself to dispose of my drink for me. He then proceeded to do the come hither finger to me to get me to sit next to him. Two firm NO's soon put a stop to that.
I've taken my profile off RSVP and I have vowed to NEVER use it again. It just didn't really work for me. I guess it does for some but for me it requires too much well...commitment...maybe that's my problem? Hmm....
I'm wondering if I am suited to dating at all? I was watching 'Girls of the playboy mansion' - an intelligent and informative piece of entertainment I am sure you will agree?! Kendra's mum was trying to get back on the dating scene and when asked what she was looking for she replied "I don't know I just want to be married. I don't want to do the dating thing!" Couldn't agree more. What with a lot of my friends either married, engaged or in serious relationship or now having babies I am really starting to feel left behind. I've never felt that before. It's a little worrying and stressful to the point that it's affecting my sleep. Which sounds ridiculous but I am thinking about it a lot. I kinda just want to be married too!
So, moving on. This weekend I have accepted an invitation to a party where I will know only 2 people. The potential for meeting new blood is high and I may even buy a new dress for it. Oh yes, something cute and cosy looking I think! It's absolutely freezing for goodness sakes and frankly I need a human hot water bottle (aka a man) to keep me warm pronto! Working on it. I keep working on it......
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