Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I feel like RSVP is for losers and losers only. When faced with profiles that have such lines as:
I like to cook up a storm in the kitchen or I'm looking for my partner in crime or I love to travel and can't wait to see what this big wide world holds: I'm wondering if a) no one has any imagination left  or b) this site is for losers.

Am I a loser??!?! Holy moly! The thing that really drives me mad apart from the above 3 standard issue profile statements is also the inclusion of 'The Shawshank Redemption"in the favourite films section. Yes it is a good film but does everybody have to put it in their profile??? It's like the film industry only made one bloody film for god's sake. Surely of the huge amount of films pumped out by Hollywood and local film industry's globally there must be something other than Shawshank bloody redemption you can find interesting?!?!! It makes me think that these people have no mind of their own. I guess what I am saying is unless you want to be classed as an unimaginative moron then put something that might at least say something about the kind of person you are! For instance: Anchorman - indicative of sense of humour, Leon -(film noir) sense of cultural interest and possibly into french films overall, Vin Diesel XXX - like blockbuster movies and silly boy movies - but at least I know something about you from this.

I have also signed up for speed dating and some dinner for singles thingo! But that's all happening later in May. Something to look forward to eh?

In the meantime though I guess I shall persevere with RSVP and meet some more people who are no doubt cooking up a storm in the kitchen whilst watching The Shawshank Redemption. What joy!

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