Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It all started with an email

Last week I received an email from a friend whom I had recently spent time with overseas telling me that her life was so much better than mine now that she is in a settled relationship and effectively labelling me as the evil past. 

Naturally I was quite shocked to receive such information. I mean as far as I could see it was a two way street in the going out and socialising calander and in fact I often felt like the ugly mate wingman purely there whilst she searched for her man. 

Whilst I applaud such ability to consistently go and look for a man, I don't think I need to be berated for being the wingman and the supposed perpetrator of such behaviour. She had an agenda, she got what she wanted, hurrah! Job done. Now I am tarnished with the 'filthy past' brush and as a reminder of it to her I now am required to change myself in order to fit in with her new settled and apparently better lifestyle. 
It was quite patronising in it's tone and I definitely felt a tinge of 'poor you' coming through.
So. left feeling a bit deflated and effectively not good enough to be someone's friend purely because I am still single at the age of 33 I started to re-evaluate my life and the relationships in it.

I've had my fair share of bad times like most people and I don't feel the need to go into detail here. They are in the past, one significant and more recent incident involves a destructive relationship that took years for me to rebuild my life from. Now, as I face the future I need to discover what it is I really want from someone of the opposite sex and who I would imagine that person to be. 

This blog is purely about my experience with the men in Sydney, the place I find myself in with my friends who are in relationships or not and how this town deals with the opposite sex on both sides of the fence.
It's a journey of self discovery and a sharing of stories about my terrible dating ability and possibly secrets depending on what kind of dater you are!

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