Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's life Bro but not as we know it..

Ok so having realised I have a brother issue I need to know what it is then that I want from a partner that I didn't get from a sibling. And then the next thing is to work out whether this is healthy or not.
Let's look at Brothers:
Brothers are usually annoying when you are younger and protective when you are older. Reliable and trustworthy, have your best interests at heart and sometimes your saviour in time of need.

Partners are usually annoying when drunk and protective the rest of the time. See above for the rest.

Hmm I see a correlation but is this incorrect? Perhaps I need to do a survey? Should a partner be like a brother? What would Freud say? Am I sick? Is this where I don't understand and therefore fail at relationships?

In order to dissect this I'll go back a step. I see a potential partner as someone to hang out with and have fun, go on adventures and well let's call it 'play' with. 
Rather like a....sibling....
Obviously this is only one part of it but it's important nonetheless. I mean why be with someone you don't like being around?? 

Also eventually a partner is hopefully going to be part of your future family and therefore that family bond becomes more important. So if this is the glue that holds people together is it therefore ok to assume that wanting to be with someone like your brother (for example) is actually acceptable? Freud's Oedipus complex theory tells us that we are pre-destined to choose a partner like our father or mother depending on your sex. This is also apparently more strongly felt when the relationship with relevant parent was based on the child never gaining the attention they really craved from that parent. Could this then be an explanation as to why I feel the need to find a partner whom could be also like a brother? I had a brother but I didn't have a brother. He was there in flesh but he wasn't the same brother I expected I would have pre accident.  Am I now looking for a substitute and is this making a possible relationship improbable given that most partners would want to be seen in a different light?

I'm going to do some research on this and also quiz my good male friends on their thoughts about it. 

In the meantime in order to embark on my actual partner finding journey I have signed up to RSVP. That in itself is worthy of it's own post!

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