A lot of fuss is made about the all important New Years Eve kiss, there are numerous movie scenes about it - When Harry Met Sally, About a boy, Mermaids, In search of a midnight kiss, A Kiss at Midnight, even Sex and the City have reiterated the point and now there's even an entire movie around it! I mean really? Is that necessary?
How many of you can honestly tell me you give a toss about it? I would bet most people don't. Why wait for the clock to strike 12 to make your all important first move? The anticipation would be torture never mind the stress levels. Which would likely end up with you pashing someones nose or chin instead of landing them with the romantic lip smacker you had planned in your head. AWKWARD!
Wikipedia says this about the NYE kiss:
"At midnight, couple embrace for a kiss to celebrate the new year and to set the tone for the new year. Some hold superstition that failing to kiss someone ensures a year of loneliness"
The thought that if, god forbid, you don't have that all important kiss then you will spend the rest of the year alone is rubbish. Goddammit, get out there and pash someone, anyone!!
Complete poppycock (I really wanted to use that word today), seriously. It's a state of mind if you choose to spend the year alone. The whole tradition of the midnight kiss has far too much influence on what should be a night of fun and celebration with friends and family not about pashing someone.
I personally think the pash at midnight is the domain of the young. People 30 plus are either married and probably not talking to their wives/husbands at the time or they're divorced and drunk in the corner lamenting the break down of their relationship. Cynical as that may sound let's face it if you think a midnight pash at the turn of the year is something to worry about then you're probably a bit self indulgent and you might want to be a re-evaluate how you think. As Richard Carlson told us "Don't sweat the small stuff".
However, so as not to sound like a complete grinch I have been told of at least one story whereby a couple got together on NYE and the midnight kiss was the first and the deal sealer so it can happen. They have now been together for 8 years and about to get married. But I'd say this is a rare occurrence and if you choose to life your life by this romantic notional bullshit then you need to take off the rose tinted glasses and give them a clean. You're living in la la land and the Vaseline on those lenses needs to come off.
With that in mind IF I did meet someone on NYE and we had our first kiss at midnight then you can bet your ass I'll be shouting it from the rooftops and boring you to death on here about it.
The fact is you can pash whoever you like on NYE most people do so get out there and pash away. Bring it on I say!!
Happy Christmas everyone!! : )))
An insight into my experience as a single lady in Sydney. It's certainly a scene!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Gym bunnies look out!
GIRLS!! It's come to my attention that we may be looking for men in all the wrong places! I was talking to some (married) guy friends of mine about how men and women approach dating and how we're all getting it a little bit wrong.
Interesting...given they are married and don't have to worry about these things anymore it was certainly worth picking their brains to get their perspective on this.
What I found out was that men hang out in bars and sporting events, we know this they do this for fun but really the domain of the single man (the bar) is not really upping his ability to get more ladies. If you think about it most ladies of worth don't hang out in bars every weekend expecting to stumble across the one. Some girls do but they are usually blind by the end of the night and will go home with anything. Which really defeats the purpose of the game.

So, it turns out that single ladies go to things like cookery classes, pottery classes, dance classes and spin classes.
The last one puzzled me a bit as I would never approach or want to be approached in the gym by a potential romeo. This resulted in some heated discussion about singles in the gym. I personally don't think that single girls want to be approached in the gym. For a start they are likely sweating with no make up on and wearing tight lycra they would probably prefer their potential partner not to see them in just yet. The boys disagreed and thought that the gym is the PERFECT place for single men to meet their new special lady. Really? Why? Well the boys are pumping iron and feeling that they look like a boss doing so. Desirable to a lady because they are STRONG and look at me in my shorts, I'm SPORTY!
Fair enough, I'd never thought about it like that before. Perhaps us ladies should be more open to meeting guys in the gym.
So I went to Fitness first last night in for the first time in ages. I haven't entered a gym for a while as I have chosen to work with a personal trainer for the last year. On reflection it does seem that some ladies may have already cracked this code. I does appear it might be more of a social thing than I had realised. For example, there were two good looking young chicks on the machines next to me, who I can safely say weren't really working out. They were casually moving along but there wasn't any sweat breaking on those brows and frankly they were giving the room a constant sweep for potential manslaves.
I, on the other hand, was working out like a pro doing interval training sets and concentrating on the seconds passing. Sweat pouring off me and likely with a red face. Not attractive.

Ok so I've probably been missing a trick. The gym is FULL of boys and they love showing off! Get down to the gym girls and strutt your best lycra I say. Just don't overdo the slap!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Return of the...mangina
Oh dear! It seems my posting about Mr Mangina has reached the eyes of his good self and his colleagues. Whilst I never name names it does seem someone who knows him and his party trick has alerted him to the existence of my blog and asked him if it was him.
Clearly unimpressed by what I had to say about him he texted me and said this:
"I'll have you know that the rare and carefully staged mangina showings have brought great joy and laughter to their limited audiences. You're judging out if [sic] context ;)"
Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that a grown man tucking his tackle between his legs was one of the greatest achievements of comedy.
That wasn't really the point but thanks for letting me know that your mangina is one of your proudest moments in life.
Christ help us all!
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