Polo boys in their white polo pants galloping around on those fearless ponies whilst weilding a hammer. It's all very exciting.
Most of the eastern suburbs of sydney are well versed in this event and the ladies turn it on with some heavy preparation of outfits, spray tans and blow dries. They do all look really good. The boys don't make much effort to be honest but they don't need to. The girls are there to find a man and they don't care what he's wearing!
Unfortunately for me, this year I had to attend the event on crutches with a foot injury. This did NOTHING for my pulling ability. And I mean NOTHING. Not even a bat of sympathy for the 'retard' that I was appearing to be. I put on a pretty white sundress and tried to go for the 'damsel in distress' innocent angle. It was pointless. No one wanted to talk to me in case they caught my crutches disease. Actually that's a lie one, quite hot boy, said 'hottest thing on crutches" can't work out if that's a compliment or not. If I hadn't been on crutches would I just be hot??

Talking of hot the day was literally boiling and most of the ladies were swooning by the only available fans or desprately trying to hide in the little shade there was. I was trying to wrangle a seat in the shade...as you can imagine this was a challenge given some ladies are actually CHAIR NAZIS. WTF?!?!
Me: hi could I please use on of these chairs until your friends come back
Chair Nazi: NO they are all being used
Me: Yes I know that but I will give it back
CN:... silence....
Me: Don't worry about, I'm only on crutches I'll stand in the sun. (sarcasm)
I really hated her at that point. In the end her friend got up and gave me her chair. How embarrassment for the chair nazi. She looked like a right beatch at that point. GOOD!
As the day went on I went to another part of the event to talk to the polo boys and the celebs in the veuve clicquot tent. Definitely more potential here but my girlfriend wanted to stay in the corporate section. So off I went chatted to a few nice boys and then returned to find my girlfriend had left!
Yes she left me, a person on crutches, on my own in the middle of the park. I was horrified.
If only a nice young man had come to save me....alas this didn't happen. An older gent did ask me if I was ok and told me he would ensure I got home ok. Which was a relief because I was close to tears at this point. Definitely working that 'damsel in distress' angle.
Chivalry amongst young men is dead.
This makes me sad.
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