There I was socializing away when I see a guy I have been on a few dates with over the past few weeks, with…wait for it…one of my best girlfriends!
Talk about AWKWARD!!!!!
I was so flabbergasted that all I could do was scream out ‘Oh and how do you two know each other??!?!?!” in my best double bay voice.
Apparently they met at the football, something which I have recently gotten said girlfriend into as an untapped source of men. Hmm yeah I didn’t mean MY men love!
Interestingly enough they had both invited me to attend that same game separately with them so they were destined to meet as it were. I couldn’t make it because I already had commitments with the redbull stuff I was doing.
So off back to lunch with my worky peeps I went holding my head high whilst inwardly feeling really quite f*cked off. Not that I have much right to but a bruise to the ego is a bruise to the ego and this one was the type of bruise you get when you walk into the corner of the table. Short sharp and shocking.
This particular breed of male and I had had about 3 dates in total all of which were good dates and seemed promising but he never really seemed to follow it up so time between dates was quite lengthy. I did seem something was amiss but I put it down to perhaps he wasn’t that interested after all and I was merely a stopgap between other dates. Looks like I was right about that. Arrggghhhh how dare he use me when he gets bored!
What’s worse is that this guy is a tad on the creepy side. I met him at the polo in the park about a year ago and at the time he was relatively sleazy, I put it down to him having been on the champers all day and gave him another chance. But the sense of creepiness never really went away. In retrospect she did me a favour, at least now I know what he’s really like and what he really thinks of me.
At one point my friend went to the bathroom and he sidled over, as he does, to have a ‘chat’ – fook off seriously! In order to make him know how I felt about the entire episode I asked him if he would like my phone so he could call up my other girlfriends for a date. He didn’t like that. Whatevs TOSSER!!

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