Loaded up with redbull apps including X fighters games as well as access to the redbull music academy and portal it is certainly impressive. However, being an avid iPhone user I am still confused more than life itself and I battle with the phone whilst the other scouts (there are 8 of us in total) seamlessly manage to connect to anything and everything in a matter of seconds. Not embarrassed much, technical retard over here.

I’ve always thought of myself as a panda, you know cute, cuddly maybe too much eye make-up….
The event itself is being held on cockatoo island not far from the mainland in Sydney harbour. We arrive at the ferry wharf at Star city casino and board an enormous boat decked out in redbull umbrellas and of course fridges of redbull just to get the crowd really wound up. We are in the 'friends of redbull' section, which is a mixture of corporate guests, sponsors, athletes, minor celebs, major celebs and us. I count us as minor celebs at this point, somewhere around F list I think. We are not celebs obviously but today WE ARE!
And just quietly this event is a veritable sausage fest I should definitely point this out for all the single ladies reading this update for future ref. Attend extreme sports events wherever possible!
Weiner Anyone?

Blokes everywhere! I had to text my lucky girlfriends whom I gave tickets too to be aware of this fact and suitably remove clothing that wasn’t absolutely necessary.
The Isolator
Apparently those who know him well call him The Isolator. I think that speaks for itself and I certainly experienced it. Once he got introduced to me at the VIP area he was very keen to get my number and ensure that we 'hung out' all day and at the after parties. He was certainly a cool dude and I didn't mind having someone to hang about with during the event but then it got a bit awkward after that. On the return boat journey I bumped into some footy boys, bondi lifegaurds from Bondi Rescue, X fighters riders and even Axle Whitehead from Home and Away. All of which seemed keen for me to hang with each of them. It was overwhelming and completely full on. This coupled with Jonny desperately trying to hold my hand the whole time. AWKWARD!
I panicked and made an escape dash to the hotel for a quick rest before embarking to The Sheaf in double bay for a beverage or 3 with my good friend Benny Smith.
Ahhh here he is, my secret love. I would like to marry Benny but he's really not having a bar of it. Shame, for I would make him a lovely wife......

As you can see Benny is totally smitten with me....
But back to 'The Isolator', I did go to the after party and as I walked in he was the first person I saw and yes he lived up to his nickname. I got isolated straight away to a corner. I felt terribly trapped and at one point made up some story about going to the bathroom. I didn't do a runner then but maybe I should have. In the end I told him I wasn't feeling well and needed to go home. After a tiring 10 minutes of telling him no he can't come back to my hotel I finally got in a cab.
I can't really complain as he is a nice guy and has been polite ever since. Sending texts to say he is thinking of me. But I can't help thinking that I missed out on a good opportunity to meet some other males, most of whom were out of towners so clearly not touched by any other sydney lady
Grass is always greener eh!?
Ahhh here he is, my secret love. I would like to marry Benny but he's really not having a bar of it. Shame, for I would make him a lovely wife......
As you can see Benny is totally smitten with me....
But back to 'The Isolator', I did go to the after party and as I walked in he was the first person I saw and yes he lived up to his nickname. I got isolated straight away to a corner. I felt terribly trapped and at one point made up some story about going to the bathroom. I didn't do a runner then but maybe I should have. In the end I told him I wasn't feeling well and needed to go home. After a tiring 10 minutes of telling him no he can't come back to my hotel I finally got in a cab.
I can't really complain as he is a nice guy and has been polite ever since. Sending texts to say he is thinking of me. But I can't help thinking that I missed out on a good opportunity to meet some other males, most of whom were out of towners so clearly not touched by any other sydney lady
Grass is always greener eh!?
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