I've been too busy lately to date or even pay much attention to the opposite sex but my most recent night out on Saturday just about delivered a corker of an insult from them.
I bumped into an old flame, someone I briefly had fun with end of last year. Having not seen this person for a while I said hello and made pleasantries etc...as you do. A girl standing next to him asked him how we knew each other and this was his reply:
"I used to fuck her"
And then he turned around and started talking to another girl...
Frankly I was mortified. The girl who has originally asked the question was as gobsmacked as I and then asked me if that was true. I stumbled through a few words where I said somethig along the lines of '...well, kind of, we were hanging out and yes that was pretty much the long and short of it but not sure it was necessary to be a blunt as that...'
She was horrified and said 'how rude of him' and walked off. So I really was left hanging like a plum.
I had to go and gather myself in the bathroom and compose some kind of response. Which I did. I went back out and saw said nob jockey and said:
"A word please young man'
Uh oh I am in trouble, he says
Yes you are, how dare you introduce me to somebody I don't know as 'somebody you used to fuck', it is rude and disrespectful and I am better than that."
Yes you are and I'm sorry, he says
Don't you ever do that again you rude little man.
Having held it together to tell the little prick off I hailed a cab and the tears started to roll down my face. By the time I managed to get into my house I was roaring crying destroyed by the hurtful comment and the bare faced rudeness of it.
Does this person think so lowly of me to say that really? Do they? I'm not even sure why he would think that.
The base facts are that I met him at my birthday party last year. He pursued me throughout the night and eventually I gave in. We saw each other a few times over the next 2-3 months before he left for some month long trip around Australia. I knew that when that trip started it was the end of what we had had in terms of the relationship. He didn't make any contact and whilst it was christmas and new year whilst he was away I did send a couple of messages to wish him the seasonal wishes as appropriate. He didn't reciprocate of course.
When he got back he barely managed to say hello when I saw him except I did randomly bump into him around Australia day in which there was clearly still some attraction there. He again pursued me all night despite me barring him after his lack of ability to communicate with me whilst he had been away. I told him I thought he was a bit of a prick back then to!
Anyway so I'm not quite sure why this guy feels the need to be so rude to me. The male friends I have spoken to about this seem to think I might have hurt HIS feelings somewhere along the lines. I can't even think where that point may have been since he didn't seem that interested in me in the first place.
Maybe he has some emotional issues? He seems to treat women quite poorly from what I have seen and likes to be the ultimate player, but perhaps he is not that happy and does this to get some kind of satisfaction out of being domineering over women.
Whatever it is I hope to never have to be subjected to that again and I certainly won't bother going out of my way to talk to him again.
I still feel quite hurt by what he said despite it not really being about me, it feels quite raw.